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JOIN our Community:
ANY professional with an interest in education, culture, ethnicity, gender, ability and Justice and Inclusion, may join and have access to ALL layers of publication and contribution for yourself, and students. To become a Professional Member give an Annual Donation
Recommended Donation
This is entirely UP to YOU. We will use your Donation for the operation of the Center and advancement of WCCE initiatives! Thanks in advance for your Assistance!
WCCE Discretionary
Donations in this category give WCCE staff and faculty the discretion to use funding as most needed.
MULTI-Cultural Education
DEJI or Justice and Inclusivity Education and Socio-Cultural Competency Training: Learning about and from ALL cultures or demographics on their terms by placing cultures most under or misrepresented in preferential status—and considering the “World” as a learning community—has only recently become possible. Contributions Fund: Urban/under-represented culture educational research and equity support for schools, educators, or advanced research, AND Task-Force Development for Competency Assessments and Literacy Tools or Community Service partnerships. This area of focus will also accommodate individual groups: African/’black’, Indigenous/Native, Latinx, Intersectional (gender, ability, religion/spirituality, preferences, etc.), and cross-cultural dialogue.
DIFFERENTIATED Learning OR Multiple Intelligence Teaching and Evaluation
The diversity of human intelligences include both learning preferences (cognitive, aural, emotional, etc.) and cultural assets (how each culture prefers to engage the world). Contributions Fund: age and interest sensitive curriculum development and assessment innovations and research. Special emphasis is given to self-motivated learning, creative problem-solving, values education, and innovations in curriculum delivery and assessment.
EDUCATION: Research, Advocacy and Policy [“RAP”]
Proving that policies, curriculum reform and diverse assessment options work, requires influencing ‘key players’ in local regional, national and international circles. Contributions Fund: Both continued research and the publication and innovation of findings as can best move antiquated practices to those that serve students across cultures and intelligences.