

Equity & Inclusive World Education Initiative

In OUR WORLD, every course participant has different attributes, intelligences, and is equally influenced by the acquired values, biases, and boundaries that have evolved over time. We believe, that our ancestry struggled with self-constructed limitations: tribalism, imperialism, racism, patriarchy, nationalism, and consumerism—to name a few, are human constructs that can impede or threaten our collective well-being. Be compassionately scaffolding an accurate understanding of human acquired values alongside the creative skillsets needed to imagine human intelligences and capacities in their fullest scope, participants will develop the mindsets and skillsets needed to creatively solve our world’s problems. MUSIC, the ARTS, and HUMANITIES, are the creative and motivating windows through which we systematically challenge, liberate, and encourage our human capacities to engage equity and justice across our lifespan.


An introduction…



When we prioritize learning on the terms of our World’s diverse cultures—and especially those most under or mis-represented, we build in our children, youth, and young adults, the CAPACITY for service to Humanity, which we refer to as:

Inclusive & Justice-Centered activism

Defined: Placing diverse, equitable, justice-centered and fully inclusive service to the needs of humanity across our lives, in our careers, families, and all socio-community interactions, until the fullest creative capacities of ALL Humanity are realized.



“The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.”

Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love.


So JOIN us for an ADVENTURE!

One until today, few DREAMED POSSIBLE!



This is a world equity/justice Cultural Competency Training Program, in Twelve Modules, each one scaffolding the motivations, mental attitudes, and skillsets needed to meet the world’s diverse cultures on their terms. The “windows” of the Arts and Humanities are based in the priorities provided by educators and artists from each of world’s cultures.

  • SELECT your MODULE Package: SIX Modules, NINE Modules or TWELVE Modules – a full-global perspective for a full semester.

  • PROFESSIONAL Development: Take EACH Module individually for certification on the various stages of DEJI Competency. Certification is complete upon the completion of the Module assessments and final project activity---directed to your professional goals.

This course is coming soon. Sign up below if you are interested!