Welcome Educators!
PUBLICATION: Share you Insights
Any Learning Community around International Education Reform, must have professional development platforms for both STUDENT and PROFESSIONAL Educators. These platforms must incentivize innovation, creativity, and world-changing ideas. Creating Diverse Platforms for Innovative PUBLICATION, that are positively and growth-minded peer-reviewed, allow for media and interdisciplinary creativity, and encourage both multi-cultural and culturally competent community, are essential to this end.
Help Your Students—“Publish” their work!
Students learn better when they believe their work matters beyond grades or mere completion. “Our World” cultural competency students may automatically publish on WCCE Social Media, with an Instructor recommendation.
If your students are doing work around DEJI or cultural competency and inclusivity topics and you would like them to publish their work on either our Facebook group (innovative ideas but less “flushed out” or refined) or WCCE Student Journal Publication: “Tomorrow’s Leaders” for professional publication Credit, submit your request HERE!
Educator Professional Development:
We recognize as Education Professionals, we have TWO primary needs for Professional Development:
1) Sharing our Insights with and learn from other professionals for the mutual advancement of teaching and learning; and
2) Publish professionally ‘Peer-Reviewed’ Work: journal articles, media: aural/visual narratives or “Talks” for tenure or professional credit and advancement. But we do this differently!
We Believe:
Jurying or reviewing professional work does not require polarizing acceptance or rejection, cannot be limited to a single platform, should always merits courteous and collegial consideration and feedback, and most certainly, must allow for as many creative ways of expression, as human intelligences can accommodate.
Therefore, we have created multiple platforms for inclusion of professional work and will seek to provide feedback to all participants in a considerate and respectful manner.
FOUR Tier Publication OPTIONS:
Social Media Group: Idea essays, reflections, and concerns submitted to our On-Line Educators dialogue or directed to our open Social Media forums. Audio/Visual media must be submitted to our staff for posting to our YouTube or other media accounts. Contact: [social media links] for guidance and criteria
TEACHING MATERIALS [Tool Banks]: Lesson Plans, PowerPoints or other usable content in PDF, PowerPoint or Audio/Video formats that contribute to WCCE primary missions and advance educational innovation and reform. These “tool banks” will have open access to all WCCE Community Participants.
TASK FORCE Literacy Tools: Depending upon your expertise, powerful content that may or may not be timely for Journal Publication, may be referred to appropriate TASK-FORCE members for inclusion in their Literacy Tool banks [Tools recommended to increase competency for their respective demographic]
To become a Member of a TASK FORCE, click Task Force button below.
To submit an original Publication, Literacy tool, media production or “other” submission: see format submission guidance and criteria
PROFESSIONAL PEER-Reviewed PUBLICATION: Journal Research or Articles, Written Creative or Scholarly Narratives, Podcast/Audio narratives, or Video Talks or Presentation/Productions Multi-media professional Publication, not only for students, but for professionals.
NOTE: All submissions will be given some form of feedback in the spirit of encouraging Learning Community engagement or recommended for alternative WCCE inclusion.
To submit an original Publication, media production for peer-review and publication: see format submission guidance and criteria, fill-in and submit through the button below.
All publications must be vetted on their respectful engagement of our planet’s diversity, always considerate of equity and justice and with the goal of inclusivity for all.