WCCE Task Forces
What is a
A Professional Learning Community, whose primary personal and/or professional competency is in a specific and needed area of education reform.
What does a
Each task force will grow organically around a core focus on Diversity, Equity, Justice and Inclusive Education. Task forces will: A) decide on a “Core” set of primary goals; B) decide on the requirements for membership and frequency and nature of their meeting; C) Make recommendations for events, research, dialogue, presentations, and publication; AND D) explore the CREATION of alternative Curriculum, how to partner with other Task Forces, and in what manner NEW “calls” for research, action, consultation, and publication are needed.
What is a TASK FORCE “LEAD”?
Each Task force will have a “LEAD” individual whose career is centered in this area, but who is passionate about building community around the specific culture, demographic, or learning area. TASK FORCE leads will attend at least ONE WCCE Board Meeting or direct communications to the Board and guide communications or resolve conflicts with their task force.
Review and Publication: All submissions for publication will be reviewed by Task force members providing they are relevant to the core missions of WCCE or those of the task force. Each submission will merit feedback and recommendations for inclusion in one or more of the tiers for Publication. Any work not deemed viable for e-Journal publication, can be recommended for publication or inclusion in any of the other formats.
All task force member will receive:
FREE access to ALL Our World Modules with Certification of completion,
Unrestricted access to all Tool Banks and annual Journals for download or use,
The ability to make recommendations to their area Lead and have perpetual access to guide and assist the work of their colleagues in Professional Development activities related to TF interests.
Task Force members, will also be given consideration for funding, conferences, events, and consideration as WCCE evolves.
Task Force members may automatically refer their students to publication options.
Become a Member of a Task Force:
Are you INTERESTED in being part of a Learning COMMUNITY—on a specific Culture or learning demographic?
Do you have a PASSION for Equity of Race/Gender or Cultural Education and (DEJI) Competency [Learn More]
Teaching and Learning Differentiation (diverse intelligences and cultural assets) [Learn More]
Merging Spirituality with Science - the inclusion of conscience and concern with scientific rigor in all education [Learn More]
Educational Research, Assessment, and Policy Reform [Learn More]
The ROLE the ARTS can play in assisting and empowering ALL of the above!
NOTE: MOST task forces will begin with a specific Demographic: African/black, Native/Indigenous, Latinx, Intersectional (women/men, ability, culture) and create a scaffolded approach to elevating ALL individuals in service to balance and well-being over time.
We WELCOME you to Join our TASK Forces specific to your professional or teaching demographic:
Task Force Descriptions
Each task force must have balanced representation across the Human Life-cycle Age and Education Demographics:
Primary (K-6)
Secondary (7-12/13)
Higher and Community Ed.
Race, Gender & Cultural Equity
These Task Forces will focus on the well-being of all humans, based on the specific needs of the community or region of the task force. Racial, gender, cultural, or other demographics, will be prioritized based on the history of the region.
Task Force sub-teams may include members of ALL human races, cultures or demographic without preference, in service to:
Native/Indigenous equity,
Black/African/African-Diaspora equity,
Urban/socio-economic equity,
Roma (Romani) or abused/under-recognized minority group advocacy,
Religious, and/or related sub-cultures.
Learning Differentiation
Multiple Intelligences, Engaging Diverse Cultural Assets, Dif-abilities (Ability diversity), and Mental/Emotional/Spiritual/Physical Health Diversity and Well-being – for both Curriculum Design and Assessment
This Task Force may include: Theories of learning, Brain plasticity, and Multiple/Diverse Cultural Assets, Dif-abilities (Ability diversity), and Mental/Emotional/Spiritual/Physical Well-being for students and community professionals
Task Force sub-teams may include:
Arts and Creativity,
Brain and Learning Science and Diverse Intelligence,
Ability Diversity, and
divide Well-being into multiple sub-teams.
Intelligence and diversity sub-teams may become co-members with the Multi-Cultural Education task-force teams.
Educational Research, Advocacy & Policy Reform
This Task Force will focus exclusively on research, publication and presentation related to education transformation and the justification of Education Policy changes and advocacy on behalf of diversity, equity, justice and inclusivity.
Task force members on these critical areas, must themselves, be trained in cultural competency, and will partner with other Task Forces and sub-teams:
to prove to the world through scientific methods, that Creative reform is needed,
what practices are most productive and effective, through statistical, long-term tracking, and quantitative/qualitative research, and
statistically how or what manner each innovation enhances human learning capacity and systematically efficient in producing justice, equity/inclusivity and establishing planetary balance.
Intersectional AREAS of Inclusion:
Gender equity - Women’s empowerment Global task force
Age/Generational equity - life cycle-balance task force
Ability-Health & Healing: PMES (physical, mental, emotional, socio-community, recovery well-being & mindfulness):
Recovery & mindfulness (addictions, abuse, & lifestyle etc.)
Sexual Preference & Identity - LGBTQ+
Religious-Finding Purpose Equity
Spirituality and Values Education (finding an intersection of Universal religious values and science)
Other: spiritual wellness /mindfulness
Non-religious: socio-cultural/empathy