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Supporting Professional Development (PD) for Teachers

We are a support organization for Teachers K-Undergraduate. We support teachers and administrators in all innovations linked to multiple intelligence learning, promoting equity, diverse cultural assets, justice, and engaging curriculum reform in: primary, secondary, undergraduate, parent, family, and community education!


What we Believe: our “Pillars”

[Lines of ‘Action’]

We believe Innovative Education, must embrace ALL Humanity—with direct and proportionate balance to our world’s history’s of inequity. By serving and supporting the role of Parents, Educator’s, and Elders of ALL cultures and races to embrace serving Humanity for the benefit of an equitable and peaceful future for OUR planet, sacrificial service or altruism…becomes a center point of all curriculum. Our pillars include:

Global Education: respecting and valuing ALL of our world’s diverse cultural and human abilities through inclusivity of all.

Artistic & Creative Exchanges: sponsoring events and projects that promote cross-cultural immersion, education, & community building, through service to the needs of our communities & Planet.

Learning Communities: All Task Forces become Professional LEARNING Communities (PLC’s). WE SUPPORT an ORGANIC process of collective learning and service to our future generations.


What We DO…

We know students (all ages) learn better when they are self-motivated to achieve beyond the classroom—learned through integrating creative problem solving, artistry, and scientific research in service to our Community’s and World’s needs. 

We assist student, parent/community, and  educator personal and professional creative vision by providing outlets and support for dialogue, production of events and learning materials—that create immersive learning opportunities across diverse disciplines, abilities, beliefs, races, and cultures. 

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Pilot: ‘Our World’

Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusive Education, begins with re-envisioning alternatives to thousands of years of biased values, perspectives, and distorted hierarchies—in an engaging, self-application to each unique student. Respecting diversity and inclusivity demands ‘cultural humility,’ and new approaches to providing self-determined narratives from around the world, as well as self-reflective assignments applied to each student. MUSIC and the arts provide unique windows for making universal connections with the creative narratives of those with whom we share OUR WORLD!

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Products and Donations

Access Codes, E-Pubs, Journals and Donations - ALL proceeds are used only for the non-profit work of Creative Equity Education Reform.




Student Community

Online Publishing of Student Work




Educator Learning Community 

Join our Task Forces

Submit ideas, Lessons plans or Insights

Submit Articles or Media for Peer Acceptance and Publication
